Saturday, February 4, 2012

WHAT...,WHY..., so we've hit on WHAT Beast Mode is. We've hit on WHY I run in Beast on to the adventures of Beast Mode, or the conquests of Beast Mode if you will.
   Enter in SJ, SJ is another bad ass female that operates in Beast Mode. I'm MO, nice to meet you. Our next joint venture is Black Mountain Marathon, in Black Mountain, North Carolina. It's a trail marathon that's known to cross through rugged terrain in unpleasant weather, usually snow and ice. We hear it's going to get nasty out there...but leave no doubt, we plan on getting just as nasty right back. From here on out we'll share views from inside each our own animalistic minds, some solo thoughts and random mumblings. And some shared views by two very hardcore minds completely transitioned into Beast Mode.
   Some views will be ugly, primitive, and down right paleolithic, straight out of the caveman days.But when operating in Beast Mode, the primitive instincts take over. The softer side is buried deep within the mind, so you might as well hand us clubs. You don't deadlift more than your own body weight without Beast Mode. You don't mountain bike ominous trails without Beast Mode. You don't run 26.2 miles and maybe one day more, without Beast Mode...
   In Beast Mode there are NO limits, there is NO such thing as impossible, there is NO escape...once you've gone into Beast Mode, you're already past the point of NO return. Once your training is fully engaged in Beast Mode, there is NO going back...

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